Quite often many games bleed out of their world environments and onto the forums for said title.  Sometimes, these forums are built and supported by the developers of the game they represent, and other times these forums are maintained and encouraged by fan/media personnel who have a great interest in the title and the players.  Sometimes, the non-official forums are supported by the developers, and other times they’re not.  Is that because the developers want to keep total control on their official forums?  Or is there some other reason?  Do fan/media sites provide more to the players?  Should developers support these efforts and spend the dollars from that on the games themselves?

Join us on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 1:00pm EST when David “Historian” DeWald, Community Manager at Acclaim Games, and Staci “Rosethorne” Krause, Editorial Manager at IGN Vault Network, attempt to hoist their views upon the other and bring some sense to the other side.  Questions from the audience will be accepted during the live Q&A portion of the event.

Can’t attend the live debate?  Don’t worry!  Send us your question(s) in advance for consideration, and then visit the replay in Voon!  For a limited time, we’ll be rebroadcasting this event daily at 10pm EST.

Details can be found at http://voon.vivox.com.