by David DeWald | Apr 11, 2014 | Community Management
You see post about Traits of Community managers pop-up from time to time and for the most part they do a good job. Way back in 2009, I posted one where I polled actual, honest to goodness, Community Managers. I posed the question to the group of CMs I know around the... by David DeWald | Jan 24, 2014 | Community Management, Social Media
Once again Little Bird has put together a list of the top Community managers on twitter and I’m proud to be on the list. This year they included a list of blogs, which might be how you got here. Here at Little Bird, we think the inspiration behind CMAD is... by David DeWald | Jul 8, 2013 | Community Management
Ashley Verrill of wrote on Social Fresh: This is the final installment in a three-part series on how to build your online presence for truly social selling, inspired by research from Jon Ferrara, founder and CEO of social CRM developer Nimble.... by David DeWald | Jan 3, 2013 | Community Management
How many times have you heard something like this, “The field of community management is still in its infancy…”? A lot, I’m sure. And if you are one of those CMs that have been doing the CM thing for more than a decade I’m sure it ruffles...