by David DeWald | Sep 8, 2011 | Community Management, Random Thoughts
Facebook has a new security feature called “Profile Review” so that when you are tagged in a photo or a post, you’ll will get to approve it before it shows on your wall or news feed. Unapproved tagged posts and photos will appear in a new section called “Pending... by David DeWald | Jul 14, 2011 | Social Media
Circles are a beautiful thing… but they are more than Circles, they are also topics of interest. In the past week as I’ve watched my Stream fill with G+ tips, LOLCats and Viral stuff. A fair bit I have no interest in, but because I’ve elected to have them in my... by David DeWald | Dec 2, 2010 | Social Media
When filling out your Holiday cards this year, please take ONE CARD and SEND it to this address: Holiday Mail for HeroesPO Box 5456Capitol Heights, MD20791-5456 I don’t care what your feeling are about the ongoing war, these men and women deserve to be remembered this... by David DeWald | Sep 1, 2010 | Video Games
On the 26th Acclaim Games Inc. officially shut down its sites and games. I have to admit that part of me is very sad about this. I loved my time there and I had the pleasure of working with many very cool people. More importantly I’m rather disappointed with Disney in...